The King of Alkalization: Dark, Leafy Greens
When we think of health, we think green. When we think of nature, we think green. Green is a color associated with the good aspects of life, yet when it comes to dietary choices we generally have a certain reluctance towards this food group.
I’ve even heard people say, “They taste too healthy.” Of course this is the case! Our taste buds have been conditioned with the intensity of artificial flavors and sugars. We’re under the influence of carefully crafted addictive flavors from food manufacturers.
“We’re being manipulated by food engineers who have figured out how to tap into our brains. But if we can kick our addiction to junk food, we become better able to distinguish the fake stuff from the real, and that chemical aroma will lose its power to hook us (SuperLife, pg. 22).
There is a social stigma as well. I often hear people call greens “hippie food” or “rabbit food” — and I’m sure you have your own names to add to this list. It gets even more interesting because innately we know consuming greens is one of the best things we can do for our wellbeing, yet if possible we would skip the greens — and, let’s face it, most people do.
I consider them a “superfood” that you should strive to frequently include in your diet! Remember, a superfood is something that is more nutrient dense calorie for calorie than another “regular” food and greens definitely fit that description!
Plus, greens supports four out of the five life forces (nutrition, oxygenation, alkalization, and detoxification).
Here are 10 amazing reasons why eating greens absolutely rocks for your health:
are alkalizing
great source of folate
burn fat
help your heart
fight against diabetes
feed your gut
provide sun protection
protect against toxins
build enzymes
Overall, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense, and phytochemical-rich characteristic of dark, leafy greens provide our bodies with beneficial effects ranging from the microscopic, molecular level to the telescopic tissue level such as your skin.
Greens provide proven health benefits! What else do you need to know to starting including a heaping serving of greens with every meal if possible?