Manifestation Exercise

15. Manifestation Exercise Vimeo.jpg


In the morning you defined one thing that you want to achieve this year. And you asked yourself 7 times WHY you want to achieve this and at the end a FEELING appeared.

Now, take a look at what you wrote that you want to achieve (what your brain wants to achieve) and the true reason why you want to achieve this (what your heart wants to achieve) and write down what you need to STOP DOING, what you need to CONTINUE DOING and what you need to START DOING in order to achieve what you want.

Now you have a simple roadmap of what you need to do in 2021, but there is one more thing. You also need to define how you need to BE in order to stop, continue and start certain things. 

It can be anything from being more disciplined, more organized, more positive or whatever you need to BE in order to achieve what you want to achieve. 

Now you have a good roadmap for 2021. Post it on your fridge or turn it into a screen saver on your phone and let’s create an amazing year together. 

If you want us to support you in your wellness journey, you can start one of our programs with a Free Trial and 20% off limited offer.

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